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Regularly updated list of Best Cheap Windows and Linux VPS hosting providers with prices as low as $1.

VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a server with multiple users. With VPS hosting, you have many advantages of dedicated hosting as if you had a dedicated server, but is cheaper than hosting your site on a dedicated server. However, while there are plenty of cheap VPS hosting services available, choosing the best one can be challenging.

To help you find the best VPS hosting service for the lowest price, we analyzed the industry's top VPS service providers to find out which solutions offer the best service for the best value. Fortunately, you can find VPS hosting services available for as little as a few dollars per month or even $1 a month.

We looked at available storage capacity, CPU processing capability, RAM, bandwidth, management types (unmanaged VPS plans are cheaper than managed plans), installers for different OS and more to create this list of the best cheap VPS hosting services.

For the budget-conscious, cheap VPS hosting offers flexibility and affordability.

Send updates or additions to: updates at cheap-vps dot host

Make sure to price range and performance results, including uptime, speed, and average response times. Additional notes (whether the operating system supports Windows and Linux, what is the SSD storage type and capacity, amount of cpu cores and ram, is there unlimited bandwidth, etc) are welcome.

VPS Hosting Categories

Cheap VPS Hosting

Research lots of VPS hosting solutions and sorted through hundreds of data points to come up with this list of the best cheap VPS hosting providers.

VPS in North America

VPS in Europe

VPS in Asia

VPS in Worldwide

Cheap Windows VPS Hosting

Discover our selection of the cheapest and best value Windows VPS hosting providers.

Windows VPS in North America

Windows VPS in Europe

Windows VPS in Asia

Cheap Linux VPS Hosting

Managed or unmanaged VPS servers available in Linux, Pricing in the Linux-based VPS hosting market is highly competitive.

Linux VPS in North America

Linux VPS in Europe

Linux VPS in Asia